15. Februar 2012
Lillian Bassman ist gestorben
Die 1917 in New York geborene US-amerikanische Malerin und Fotografin Lillian Bassman (Bild) ist vorgestern ebenda gestorben.

Foto: http://f56.net/

It’s a Cinch, Carmen, NY, Harper’s Bazaar, 1958
Silber Gelatine Print
Signiert, nummeriert in Bleistift verso
«Lillian Bassman, a magazine art director and fashion photographer who achieved renown in the 1940s and ’50s with high-contrast, dreamy portraits of sylphlike models, then re-emerged in the ’90s as a fine-art photographer after a cache of lost negatives resurfaced, died on Monday at her home in Manhattan. She was 94.»
-> http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2012/02/14/arts/design/20120214bassmanSS.html?ref=design <-
«Born in Brooklyn in 1917, she is considered one of the greatest female fashion photographers and credited with promoting the careers of Richard Avedon, Robert Frank, and Louis Faurer during her tenure at Harper’s Bazaar from the late forties to the mid-sixties. She once said of her photographic style, ‹I wanted to present women in the way I felt about them … Feminine, serene and elegant. It’s a woman’s point of view about other women.'»
«She left the fashion scene in the 1970s but returned 20 years later, thanks to some assists from the painter Helen Frankenthaler and photo historian Martin Harrison. Within the last few years, the art and fashion world declared that she was in the midst of a renaissance and renewed interest in her work led to a new book and exhibitions around the world.»
«Iconic fashion photographer Lillian Bassman died earlier today in her Manhattan home, she was 94. Bassman initially shot to fame in the mid 1900′s as a face of Harpaar’s Bazaar.»
«Ihre Bilder von Frauen mit langen, eleganten Hälsen, riesigen Hüten und in graziösen Posen prägten die Modefotografie der 1950er- und 1960er-Jahre.»
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger