24. Dezember 2016
Der am 7. Februar 1927 in Wien geborene Cartoonist Paul Peter Porges (Bild) ist am 20. Dezember 2016 in Kingston (New York) gestorben. Er publizierte u.a. in «The New Yorker», «Mad magazine», «Harper's» und «The Saturday Evening Post». Porges hatte in der Schweiz studiert.

Bild: Paul Peter Porges 2007 im Jüdischen Museum Wien – Foto: https://www.wien.gv.at/ (Ausschnitt), https://www.wien.gv.at/rk/msg/2007/0628/011.html
We end the year on a sad note, with the passing of longtime MAD writer/artist Paul Peter Porges on December 20. Paul Peter’s first contribution to MAD was the cover idea for issue #106, in 1966. Over the next four decades he contributed over 200 articles to MAD, with his last feature appearing in MAD #500. In addition to his MAD work, «PPP,» as he was known to his family and friends, was a contributor to The New Yorker and The Saturday Evening Post.
MAD lost another longtime member of the Usual Gang of Idiots this past week with the passing of Paul Peter Porges at age 89.
Porges led a very interesting life. Born in Vienna in 1927, he fled the Nazis as a child via France before being captured and placed in a deportment camp. He escaped by hiding in a garbage collection and was smuggled into Switzerland, where he studied art and met his future wife, Lucie. After the war he emigrated to the United States along with his parents, who themselves had survived a Nazi concentration camp.
The last twenty years or so, if you asked him who he was drawing for, he said, «Myself.» He stopped working on assignments (with the occasional exception) and drew as he pleased. If someone wanted to buy some of his output and publish it, fine. But as he put it, «If they don’t, that’s fine too.»
1948 in New York angekommen, zog Paul Peter Porges das Leben beim Zirkus Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey der gemeinsamen Wohnung mit seinen Eltern, die Theresienstadt überlebt hatten, vor. Als GI während des Koreakrieges begann er für Soldatenzeitungen zu zeichnen, schließlich wurde er zum meist publizierten Cartoonisten der «Saturday Evening Post». Bill Gaines entdeckte ihn in den 1960er-Jahren für das «MAD-Magazin», das wichtigste amerikanische Satireblatt, wo Porges über mehrere Jahrzehnte 200 Beiträge gestaltete und mehrere Bücher herausgab. Schließlich eroberte er mit dem «New Yorker» den Olymp der amerikanischen Cartoon-Szene.
Werner Hanak-Lettner
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger