6. Februar 2011
Annie’s 38th Annual Award Winners Announced
DreamWorks Animation's «How To Train Your Dragon» won top honors as the Best Animated Feature at the 38th Annual Annie Awards on Saturday, February 5 at UCLA's Royce Hall.
Best Animated Short Subject was presented to Pixar’s «Day & Night»; Best Animated Television Commercial to Duck Studios «Children’s Medical Center»; Nickelodeon’s «SpongeBob SquarePants» was honored as Best Animated Television Production for Children and Playdead’s «Limbo» won Best Animated Video Game. A new category, Character Animation in a Live Action Production was presented to Sony Pictures› «Alice in Wonderland.»
A complete list of the 38th Annual Annie Award winners can be viewed at www.annieawards.org. The Annie Awards ceremony will also be web cast on the Annies website later this month.
![Annie's 38th Annual Award Winners Announced](https://ch-cultura.ch/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Spaceman_Stu.jpg)
Das Schweizer Motion Design Studio Kompost war neben vier hochkarätigen Mitbewerbern für den Annie-Award («den Oscar für die Animationsindustrie») nominiert. Sein Werbeclip «Spaceman Stu» (Bild) ging in der Sparte «Best Animated Television Commercial» ins Rennen. Schon die Annie-Nomination neben Giganten wie DreamWorks Animation, Pixar, Sony Pictures oder Disney ist für das Schweizer Team eine riesengrosse Ehre und Auszeichnung. Die Gewinner unter den fünf Auserwählten dieser Sparte waren gestern schliesslich die Duck Studios mit «Children’s Medical Center».
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger