17. April 2012
«Vol spécial» in den USA gleich doppelt ausgezeichnet
Der Dokumentarfilm «Vol spécial» des Westschweizer Regisseurs Fernand Melgar hat beim Full Frame Festival in Durham (North Carolina, USA) die beiden Hauptpreise gewonnen.

Bild: zVg
«The Anne Dellinger Grand Jury Award was presented to ‹Special Flight (Vol Spécial),› directed by Fernand Melgar. The film focuses on a Swiss detention center where tensions build as rejected asylum seekers await their forced removal from the country they now call home. This award is sponsored by Chuck Pell, CSO Physcient, Inc. and Alpha Cine Labs, Seattle.
The Jury, Judith Ehrlich, Eric Metzgar, and Marco Williams, stated, ‹Director Fernand Melgar takes us deep inside the world of detained immigrants in Switzerland. With incredible access and patient observation, we experience the complex and powerful relationships between the captives and their captors. An exceptional work of vérité filmmaking, ‹Special Flight› forces us to confront the contradictions of humane incarceration.›
The Center For Documentary Studies Filmmaker Award was given to ‹Special Flight (Vol Spécial),› directed by Fernand Melgar. Provided by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, this award honors a documentary artist whose work is a potential catalyst for education and change. Representatives from the Center for Documentary Studies juried the prize: Randy Benson, Katie Hyde, Marc Maximov, Lynn McKnight, Dan Partridge, Tom Rankin, Elena Rue, Teka Selman, and April Walton.»
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