29. Oktober 2013
Der US-amerikanische Philosoph Arthur C. Danto ist gestorben
Der 1924 in Ann Arbor, Michigan geborene US-amerikanische Philosoph und Kunstkritiker Arthur C. Danto (Bild) ist am 25. Oktober 2013 gestorben.
Foto: © Prof. Lydia Goehr, http://philosophy.columbia.edu/content/memoriam-arthur-c-danto
We report with great sadness the death of our friend and colleague Arthur Danto. Arthur was a member of the Columbia faculty for forty years. He made some of the most important contributions to aesthetics of the past five decades, and his writings on the philosophy of action and the philosophy of history are continuing foci of discussion. He was a public philosopher in the realm of the arts, acting as Art Critic for The Nation from 1984. The recipient of many honorary degrees, he continued to work selflessly as Editor of The Journal of Philosophy long after his retirement. He was a model, and we will miss him.
Seine Arbeitsthemen umfassten insbesondere die Bereiche Ästhetik, Kunsttheorie, Philosophie der Geschichte, Philosophie des Geistes, Handlungstheorie und Mystik.
Eine seiner Hauptthesen, dass alles Kunst sein könne, was im Museum ausgestellt würde, entwickelte er in der ästhetischen Auseinandersetzung mit Andy Warhols Brillo Boxes.
Ein New Yorker mit Leib und Seele
Arthur C. Danto hat als Kunstphilosoph und Kunstkritiker die intellektuelle Landschaft belebt.
Brigitte Hilmer
Arthur C Danto, the noted philosopher and art critic, died on 25 October. He was 89. A professor emeritus of philosophy at Columbia University, Danto helped answer the age-old question of «what is art», but also declared its end.
Julia Halperin
Arthur C. Danto, a philosopher who became one of the most widely read art critics of the Postmodern era, championing avant-garde artists like Andy Warhol and proclaiming the end of art history, died on Friday at his home in Manhattan.
«Danto on Art» The Partially Examined Life – Episode 16 (podcast by interpreters without Danto participating)
Is it Art?
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger