20. Dezember 2009
14th European Conference on Digital Libraries
The European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) is the leading European scientific forum on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues, bringing together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field. ECDL 2010, the 14th conference in this series, will be organised by the University of Glasgow. The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS) series.

14th European Conference on Digital Libraries
September 6-10, 2010
Glasgow, UK
Call for Workshops, Tutorials, and Panels
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
· Digital Libraries and Mobility
· Digital Library Architectures
· Digital Library Infrastructure
· Digital Preservation and Curation
· Information Mining in Digital Libraries
· Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries
· Interoperability of Digital Library Systems and Services
· Knowledge Organisation Systems
· Metadata Standards and Protocols in Digital Library Systems
· Multilinguality in Digital Libraries
· Multimedia Digital Libraries
· Personal Information Management and Personal Digital Libraries
· Personalisation in Digital Library Systems and Settings
· Policies for Digital Library systems
· Social Networking, Web 2.0 and Collaborative Interfaces in Digital Libraries
· User Interfaces for Digital Libraries
· User Studies for and Evaluation of Digital Library Systems and Applications
· Visualisation in Digital Libraries
Important dates
Workshop Proposal Submission: January 31, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2010
Workshops to Take Place on Sept 9 (pm) and Sept 10, 2010
Panel Proposal Submission: January 31, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2010
Submission of Final Panel Abstract: May 24, 2010
Tutorial Proposal Submission: January 31, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2010
Submission of Final Tutorial Abstract: May 24, 2010
Tutorials to Take Place on September 6, 2010
Call for Workshops
ECDL 2010 is pleased to offer the possibility to host focused workshops after the main conference, on Sept 9 (pm) and Sept 10, 2010. The purpose of the ECDL workshops will be to treat issues which do not have their place in the main conferences in the field, and which will benefit from being discussed in small and informal groups. The selection process will give priority to workshops with novelty, focus, and an explicitly formulated target outcome. Workshop proposals should include:
· A clearly stated issue for the workshop a concrete question to be addressed and discussed
· A description of the targeted outcome of the workshop
· A motivation why a workshop would be of benefit for the issue in question why do other venues not address this issue, how will the targeted outcome be useful for the field and for the participation?
· In case of earlier workshops in this series, a short description of previous events, and an explanation how this workshop will further the issue under consideration
· The expected audience
· Short biography of the organiser(s)
· Planned deadlines for call for papers, type of reviewing, and any organisation aspects
· Any special requirements
Workshop proposals in PDF or plain ASCII format should be sent via email by January 31, 2010 to the workshop chair, Jussi Karlgren at ecdl2010ws@sics.se.
Call for Panels
ECDL 2010 is planning to host a small number of highly focused panel discussions during the main conference. Panels should be lively, controversial, and provoke discussion on a specific topic of interest to the community. Panel sessions should not consist of paper presentations, but should have plenty of discussion engaging the audience. A 2- page abstract of the panel will be included in the proceedings. Proposals should consist of a 2-page abstract including:
· The topic, if possible formulated as a provocative question
· The issues to be discussed, including a short listing of pro and con arguments
· Short biographies of the moderator and prospective panelists
· Any special requirements
Panel proposals in PDF or plain ASCII format should be sent via email by January 31, 2010 to the workshop chair, Julio Gonzalo at julio@lsi.uned.es.
Call for Tutorials
The first day of the conference will consist of a parallel session of tutorials, each concentrating on a single topic, presented either at an introductory level or in depth, lasting about 3 hours (including a break). A 2-page abstract of the tutorial will be included in the proceedings. Proposals should consist of a 2-page abstract including:
· An outline of the tutorial content
· An indication of how the tutorial will be structured
· A description of the expected audience
· Short biography of the presenter(s)
· Any special requirements
Tutorial proposals in PDF or plain ASCII format should be sent via email by January 31, 2010 to the tutorial chair, Monica Landoni at monica.landoni@usi.ch.
Further information
For further information, please visit the conference web site at http://www.ecdl2010.org/ or email info@ecdl2010.org
Conference organizers
Honorary Chair
Keith van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow, UK
General Chairs
Joemon Jose, University of Glasgow, UK
Mounia Lalmas, University of Glasgow, UK
Local Chair
Ingo Frommholz, University of Glasgow, UK
Programme Chairs
Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Fabrizio Sebastiani, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Poster & Demo Chairs
Matt Jones, University of Swansea, UK
Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Ian Anderson, University of Glasgow, UK
Birger Larsen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger