17. September 2013
Angélique Namaiko erhält den Nansen Refugee Award 2013
Hohe internationale Anerkennung für eine kongolesische Nonne. Wie das Uno-Flüchtlingskommissariat (UNHCR) am heutigen Dienstag in Genf bekanntgab, erhält Angélique Namaiko (Bild) den wichtigen UNO-Flüchtlingspreis. Damit wird sie dafür geehrt, dass sie über 2'000 vergewaltigten und verstümmelten Frauen Schutz gewährt hat.
The UN refugee agency on Tuesday announced this year’s Nansen Refugee Award is being presented to Sister Angélique Namaika, who works in a remote north-east region of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with survivors of displacement and abuse by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).
Sister Angélique, through her Centre for Reintegration and Development, has helped transform the lives of more than 2,000 women and girls who have been forced from their homes and abused, mainly by the LRA, a rebel group originating in Uganda. Many of those she helps recount stories of abduction, forced labour, beatings, murder, rape and other human rights abuses.
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