17. Januar 2022
Der 1934 in New York City geborene US-amerikanische Fotograf Steve Schapiro (Bild) ist am 15. Januar 2022 in Chicago gestorben. Er wurde berühmt durch seine Aufnahmen von Schlüsselmomenten des Civil Rights Movements (darunter der Marsch nach Washington mit Martin Luther King 1963) und Fotos von Filmsets u.a. mit Stars wie Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando und Barbra Streisand bei Filmen wie «The Godfather» (1972) und «Taxi Driver» (1976). 2017 wurde Schapiro mit dem Lucie Award for Achievement in Photojournalism ausgezeichnet. Seine Werke erschienen in Zeitschriften wie «Time», «Life» und «Rolling Stone».
Foto: Плотников Александр, 2012 – Public domain – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Steve_Schapiro_Moscow_Russia_2012.jpg (Ausschnitt)
Steve Schapiro, Acclaimed Photojournalist, Dies at 87
He covered the civil rights movement and shot iconic portraits of Muhammad Ali, Barbra Streisand, Andy Warhol, Truman Capote, David Bowie and many other luminaries during his long career.
Mike Barnes
Steve Schapiro, Photojournalist and Film Industry Photographer, Dies at 87
During the 1960’s, Schapiro’s photographs began to appear in publications like Life, Look, Time, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and others.
He also produced photo-essays with a sociological emphasis, reporting on subjects like narcotics addiction, Easter in Harlem, the presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy, migrant workers and Haight-Ashbury. Schapiro also considered himself an activist, covering stories related to the Civil Rights movement, including the March on Washington and the aftermath of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination.
Jackson Kim Murphy
Steve Schapiro, prize-winning photographer, dies at 87
A New York City native who studied under the World War II photographer W. Eugene Smith, Schapiro started out as a freelance photographer in the early 1960s and was on hand for many of the decade’s historic moments, whether the 1963 March on Washington or Robert F. Kennedy’s presidential run in 1968.
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