18. Juni 2014
Neues vom Collide@CERN programme
Das CERN hat entschieden, wer einen Recherchenaufenthalt erhält. Die Ausschreibung ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen «Mobile» der Pro Helvetia und der Genfer Institution.

As a main strategy of CERN’s Cultural Policy for Engaging with the Arts, Collide@CERN is a 3-year artist’s residency programme initiated by Arts@CERN in 2011.
By bringing world-class artists and scientists together in a free exchange of ideas, the Collide@CERN residency programme explores elements even more elusive than the Higgs boson: human ingenuity, creativity and imagination.
See below for more information about the Collide@CERN artist residency programmes:
- Music: Rudy Decelière & Vincent Hänni (2014)
- Film: Jan Peters (2013)
- Dance & Performance: Gilles Jobin (2012)
Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Residency
- Digital Arts: Ryoji Ikeda (2014)
- Digital Arts: Bill Fontana (2013)
- Digital Arts: Julius von Bismarck (2012)
The Collide@CERN prize – an open call to artists working in different art forms to win a fully funded residency – will be awarded annually in two strands (Collide@CERN Geneva and Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN). It comprises prize money and a residency grant for up to 3 months at CERN.
The winning artists will interact and engage with CERN scientists in order to take their artistic work to new creative dimensions.
The awards are made following two annual international open calls and the jury comprises the cultural partners as well as representatives from Arts@CERN, including scientists.
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger