3. Mai 2015
Der US-amerikanische Folk-Sänger, Musiker und Bürgerrechtler Guy Carawan ist gestorben
Der am 27. Juli 1927 in Los Angeles geborene US-amerikanische Folk-Sänger, Musiker, Musikwissenschaftler und Bürgerrechtler Guy Carawan (Bild) ist am 2. Mai 2015 in New Market, Knoxville, gestorben. Berühmt war er geworden, indem er den Song «We Shall Overcome» in das American Civil Rights Movement eingebracht hatte.
Foto: Heather Carawan, 2007 – CC-Lizenz: Attribution 2.0 Generic – Zur Originaldatei: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Guy_carawan_photo.jpg
Carawan (was) famous for introducing the protest song «We Shall Overcome« to the American Civil Rights Movement, by teaching it to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960. A union organizing song based on a black spiritual, it had been a favorite of Zilphia Horton (d. 1956) wife of the founder of the Highlander Folk School. Carawan reintroduced it at the school when he became its new music director in 1959. The song is copyrighted in the name of Horton, Frank Hamilton, Carawan and Pete Seeger.
The Carawans marched with Martin Luther King through the streets of Selma, Ala., and made recordings that preserved an on-the-ground record of the civil rights movement.
Mr. Carawan introduced the song «We Shall Overcome» to the movement.
(The Carawans) also worked with coal miners and others in union battles while recording their own albums of songs.
Guy Carawan at the Legion Hall, 1982
Guy Carawan, Oh Lord, I’ve Got Some Singing To Do
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger