19. Januar 2023
Der am 14. August 1941 in Los Angeles geborene US-amerikanische Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter David Crosby (Bild) ist vor dem oder am 19. Januar 2023 gestorben. Er war Gründungsmitglied der Bands Byrds und Crosby, Stills and Nash (and Young). Crosby schrieb für CSN&Y u. a. «Guinnevere», «Almost Cut My Hair», «Long Time Gone», «Déjà Vu» und «Delta» sowie die Musik zum Klassiker «Wooden Ships». David Crosby ist zweimal in die Rock and Roll Hall of Fame aufgenommen worden: als Mitglied der Byrds (1991) und von Crosby, Stills & Nash (1997). 2009 wurde er ausserdem in die Songwriters Hall of Fame aufgenommen.

Bild: David Crosby, 2019 – Foto: © Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.com (Ausschnitt) – Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:David_Crosby_2019_by_Glenn_Francis.jpg
David Crosby, Iconoclastic Rocker, Dead at 81
David Crosby, the singer, songwriter and guitarist who helped shape the sound of Sixties rock and beyond, died on Thursday at the age of 81. A source close to Crosby confirmed the musician’s death to Rolling Stone, but did not disclose a cause.
«It is with a deep and profound sadness that I learned that my friend David Crosby has passed,» Crosby’s former bandmate Graham Nash wrote in a statement. (…) «David was fearless in life and in music,» he added.« He leaves behind a tremendous void as far as sheer personality and talent in this world. He spoke his mind, his heart, and his passion through his beautiful music and leaves an incredible legacy. These are the things that matter most.»
Jon Dolan, Andy Greene
Crosby was a seminal figure in the folk-rock scene for more than six decades as a member of The Byrds, Crosby, Stills & Nash and then Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. He also had a prolific solo career, especially in recent years, releasing new music at an almost frenetic pace.
Melinda Newman
Crosby’s wife issued a statement writing, «It is with great sadness after a long illness, that our beloved David (Croz) Crosby has passed away. He was lovingly surrounded by his wife and soulmate Jan and son Django. Although he is no longer here with us, his humanity and kind soul will continue to guide and inspire us.»
She continued, «His legacy will continue to live on through his legendary music. Peace, love, and harmony to all who knew David and those he touched. We will miss him dearly. At this time, we respectfully and kindly ask for privacy as we grieve and try to deal with our profound loss. Thank you for the love and prayers.»
Alex Hopper
Graham Nash, Brian Wilson, Melissa Etheridge and More Remember David Crosby: ‘Fearless in Life and in Music’
Musicians and fans from all over the world have paid tribute to the news of David Crosby’s death on Thursday evening. Brian Wilson, his close friend and bandmate Graham Nash, Jason Isbell and many others remembered him as an «unbelievable talent.»
As the founding member of two highly influential bands, the Byrds and Crosby, Stills & Nash (later Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young), Crosby helped set the template for L.A. rock in the ’60s.
Thania Garcia
One of rock ’n› roll’s most enigmatic figures, David Crosby first caught our attention as a member of the Byrds, arguably one of the greatest American bands ever. He stayed only a few short years before moving on to greener pastures with friends Stephen Stills and Graham Nash.
Whether solo or as part of a group, there was no denying David Crosby. His vocal talents alone would earn him a boatload of accolades, but throw in some great songwriting and a colorful existence, and you had one of music’s most cherished icons.
Dave Swanson
David Crosby, Mainstay of Two Classic Rock Bands, Dies at 81
He was an original member of the Byrds and a founder of Crosby, Stills & Nash. But he was almost as well known for his troubled personal life as for his music.
Jim Farber
David Crosby, of the Byrds and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, dies at 81
Over the years, David Crosby achieved more than many an old hippie musician could even hallucinate. He and his band mates sold 35 million records. He was twice inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame — once for his years with the groundbreaking folk rock group the Byrds and then for his on-and-off decades with Crosby, Stills & Nash, a group described by the Hall of Fame as «America’s longest-running experiment in vocal harmony and social relevance.»
Crosby sailed the world in a 59-foot Honduran mahogany schooner called the Mayan. He piloted his own plane, lived on a ranch in the wine country north of Santa Barbara, and in his later years experienced a surprising burst of creativity that produced four albums along with concert dates across the country.
Asked in the 2019 documentary «David Crosby: Remember My Name» how he had managed to keep going, he answered succinctly: «No idea, man.»
Steve Chawkins
Legendary US musician David Crosby dies aged 81
Eight months ago Crosby agreed to be interview by a journalist class at a high school in Colorado. He made headlines after answering a student’s question about whether he would tour again, replying: «No. I’m not, because I’m 80.» He also pointed to his age to explain his recent spate of solo albums: «I’m 80 years old so I’m gonna die fairly soon. That’s how that works. And so I’m trying really hard to crank out as much music as I possibly can, as long as it’s really good.»
Tom Ambrose and Steph Harmon
Muere David Crosby, leyenda del rock estadounidense
El influyente fundador de The Byrds e integrante de Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fallece a los 81 años después de definir el sonido del folk en los sesenta.
David Crosby è morto. Addio alla voce libera e ribelle tra i grandi del rock
L’ultimo suo post su Twitter era stato mercoledì, per ricordare la bellezza di un brano dei Beatles, Eleanor Rigby, da ascoltare in una giornata di pioggia così forte da rendere opachi i vetri di una finestra. Ventiquattr’ore dopo, è arrivato l’annuncio della sua morte: David Crosby, chitarrista e cantautore californiano, il baffone del rock, una delle colonne di quel trio che si pronunciava tutto d’un fiato, Crosby, Stills & Nash, è scomparso a 81 anni.
Massimo Basile
Le rock américain a perdu une légende
L’artiste de folk rock David Crosby, du supergroupe Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, est mort à 81 ans. Egalement cofondateur des Byrds dans les années 1960, le Californien aux longs cheveux blancs s’était relevé de ses excès, dont la drogue, pour relancer une carrière solo.
Crosby war auch beim legendären Woodstock-Festival
Häufig kamen Crosby Rauschgift-Eskapaden und sein ausschweifendes Privatleben in die Quere. Mit wirklich bemerkenswerten Alben trat der Amerikaner erst im gehobenen Alter wieder in Erscheinung. Die fünf zuletzt vorgelegten Solowerke zählen zum Schönsten, Berührendsten und Vornehmsten, was David Crosby in seiner langen Laufbahn gemacht hat – von «Croz» (2014) bis «For Free» (2021) ein beeindruckendes Spätwerk. Vergangenes Jahr hatte Crosby schließlich verkündet, dass er für Konzerte mittlerweile zu alt sei und ihm die Kraft fehle.
© SZ/dpa/laug
In einem Interview dem Musikmagazin «Rolling Stone» sagte Crosby 2014: «Ich weiß nicht, warum ich noch am Leben bin, während Jimi (Hendrix) und Janis (Joplin) es nicht sind. Ich hatte Glück.»
Audios / Videos:
The Birds – Lady Friend
The Byrds – What’s Happening? (Audio)
The Byrds – Why (Audio/Single Version)
The Byrds – Everybody’s Been Burned
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Almost Cut My Hair
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Wooden Ships (2005 Remaster)
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Déjà Vu
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Guinnevere (2005 Remaster)
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Long Time Gone
David Crosby – Laughing
David Crosby – I Won’t Stay For Long
The Byrds – Mr. Tambourine Man (1965)
The Byrds – Turn! Turn! Turn! (1965)
Crosby Stills & Nash «Deja Vu» Live, 1991
Crosby, Stills & Nash perform «Wooden Ships» at the 1997 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Crosby, Stills & Nash – Helplessly Hoping – 10/7/1973 – Winterland (Official)
Crosby Stills & Nash «Helplessly Hoping» Live
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Helplessly Hoping – 12/4/1988 – Oakland Coliseum Arena (Official)
Crosby Stills and Nash – Suite: Judy Blue Eyes – Live 2012
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Wembley Stadium, London, 1974
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Marrakesh Express (Live at Farm Aid 2000)
-> ‹David Crosby: Remember My Name› Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZdwHQ_yNdE <-
#DavidCrosby #CHcultura @CHculturaCH ∆cultura cultura+

Bild: David Crosby, 2012 – Foto: Christopher Michel, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Michel – https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmichel67/7960728834/ – Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crosby,_Stills_&_Nash!_(7960728834).jpg
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger