2. Januar 2023
Die am 7. August 1979 in Memphis (Tennessee) als Lola Chantrelle Mitchell geborene US-amerikanische Rapperin Gangsta Boo (Bild) ist am 1. Januar 2023 ebenda gestorben. Gangsta Boo war einst Mitglied von Three 6 Mafia und galt als Pionierin des weiblichen Rap.

Bild: Gangsta Bo, 2014 (Ausschnitt) – Foto: Neon Tommy, https://www.flickr.com/photos/neontommy/15568286648/ – Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gangsta_Boo_performing_at_House_of_Blues.jpg
Memphis rapper and former Three 6 Mafia member Gangsta Boo died on New Year’s Day
Gangsta Boo, whose real name was Lola Chantrelle Mitchell, was found dead Sunday afternoon at a home, according to the Memphis Police Department. She was 43.
Gangsta Boo, Former Three 6 Mafia Member, Dead at 43
Lola Mitchell joined the group in the Nineties and also climbed the charts with her solo work.
Althea Legaspi
Rapper Gangsta Boo, Former Member of Three 6 Mafia, Dies at 43
Three 6 Mafia’s DJ Paul and Juicy J shared tributes on social media.
Mitchell Peters
A product of the Dirty South school of hip-hop in the 1990s, Boo’s edgy raps and frank sexuality made her an energetic Memphis counterpart to Philadelphia rapper Eve, Brooklyn’s Lil’ Kim and Miami’s Trina.
Like those female rappers, Boo’s start came with a prominent regional crew — Three 6 Mafia, founded by DJ Paul, Juicy J and Lord Infamous — with whom she recorded a handful of studio albums until her departure in 2002.
But, along with a prominent solo career starting with 1998’s «Enquiring Minds» and its signature single, «Where Dem Dollas At,» Boo guested on tracks with Eminem, Gucci Mane, Run the Jewels, OutKast, Lil Wayne, Blood Orange, Latto and more.
A.D. Amorosi, Ellise Shafer
Discussing her influence on the next generation of rappers, Gangsta Boo told last month «Billboard»: «I have to admit, respectfully and humbly, that I am the blueprint. I hear my cadence in a lot of men and female rappers.»
Will Richards
Gangsta Boo: Three 6 Mafia member and southern rap trailblazer dies aged 43
Musicians from Missy Elliott to Questlove have paid tribute to the trailblazing female rapper, who was 15 when she appeared on the Memphis group’s cult classic debut Mystic Stylez.
Laura Snapes
Sie war eines der Vorbilder für aktuelle Star-Rapperinnen wie Megan Thee Stallion oder Cardi B: Gangsta Boo rappte schon als Teenager in den Neunzigerjahren offensiv über Sex und Macht, Geld und Drogen. Mit der von ihrem Schulfreund DJ Paul gegründeten Gruppe Three 6 Mafia gehörte sie zu den Pionierinnen des «Dirty South», der Welle des Südstaaten-Hip-Hops, der die Szene durcheinanderwirbelte. Später nahm sie Soloplatten auf und rappte Gaststrophen für prominente Künstler.
Drei Studioalben
In dem Jahr, in dem sie Three 6 Mafia verliess, veröffentlichte Mitchell ihr zweites Album, «Both Worlds *69», gefolgt von ihrem letzten Studioalbum, «Inquiring Minds II: The Soap Opera» (2003). Auch ohne ein grosses Studio im Rücken veröffentlichte Mitchell regelmässig Mixtapes und war auf den Tracks anderer Künstler zu hören, darunter Run the Jewels, Junglepussy und Blood Orange.
Audios / Videos:
Gangsta Boo – Where Dem Dollas At
Gangsta Boo – Gangsta Niggas (Official Music Video)
Wicked: Gangsta Boo Was The Prototype Of What Female Rap Artists Are Now, We Lost A Legend
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