12. November 2010
Lebende Legende aus Irland besucht für zwei Konzerte die Schweiz
Andy Irvine tritt am 18. November in Zürich und am 19. November 2010 in Bern auf.

Although an integral part of the finest Irish bands of our time, Andy Irvine continues along the path he set for himself so long ago – a vibrant career as a solo artist in the old style, a teller of tales and maker of music

Andy Irvine with Rens van der Zalm
Andy Irvine gehört zu den besten und bekanntesten Musikern Irlands, seine Stimme und seine Musik bringen Irlands Seele pur in die Schweiz.
Andy war im Rahmen seiner 45jährigen grossen Karriere bereits in den 1970er-Jahren in der Mahogany Hall Bern (mit den legendären Planxty), am Folkfestival auf der Lenzburg und auf dem Gurten zu Gast.
1972 gründete Andy Irvine gemeinsam mit Christy Moore, Donal Lunny und Liam O’Flynn die wegweisende Band Planxty, der es mit sensationellem Erfolg in- und ausserhalb von Irland gelang, auch ein eher rockorientiertes Publikum für anspruchsvolle traditionelle Musik zu begeistern.
Planxty war Inspirationsquelle für praktisch alle weltweit bekannten Rock- und Pop-MusikerInnen der grünen Insel und brachte Talente zum Tragen, die via Komposition und Beratung internationale Bedeutung erhielten (z.B. Christy Moore / Paul Brady für Tina Turner / etc.). Mittendrin stand immer die personifizierte Inspirationsquelle Andy Irvine.
Neben seinen Solo-Aktivitäten spielt Andy Irvine derzeit auch immer mal wieder bei den Top-Formationen Patrick Street und Mozaik mit.
Im Gepäck hat er bei dieser Tour seine brandneue CD «Abocurragh», die von Dónal Lunny (ebenfalls Ex-Planty) produziert wurde.

Die Konzerte in der Schweiz:
– Donnerstag, 18. November 2010, 20.00 Uhr
Volkshaus Zürich, Weisser Saal, Stauffacherstrasse 60, Zürich
– Freitag, 19. November 2010, 21.00 Uhr (Türöffnung 20.30 Uhr)
Mahogany Hall, Klösterlistutz 18, Bern (beim Bärenpark)
Vorverkauf: Telefon 031 328 52 00
Andy’s New Solo album «Abocurragh» out now
Track list:
titles for 30-sec samples)
1. Three Huntsmen MP3
2. Willy of Winsbury MP3
3. Emptyhanded MP3
4. The Close Shave / East at Glendart
5. James Magee
6. The Girl from Cushendun / The Love of my Life
7. The Spirit of Mother Jones MP3
8. Victory at Lawrence
9. The Demon Lover
1. Banks of Newfoundland
2. Oslo / Norwegian Mazurka

Bilder: zVg
Andy Irvine is one of the great Irish singers, his voice one of a handful of truly great ones that gets to the very soul of Ireland. He has been hailed as «a tradition in himself.» Musician, singer and songwriter, Andy has maintained his highly individual performing skills throughout his 45-year career.
From Sweeney’s Men in the mid 60s, to the enormous success of Planxty in the 70s and then from Patrick Street to Andy Irvine & Dónal Lunny’s Mozaik, Andy has been a world music pioneer and an icon for traditional music and musicians.
As a soloist, Andy fills the role of the archetypal troubadour with a show and
a travelling lifestyle that reflect his lifelong influence, Woody Guthrie.
To quote The Irish Times, «Often copied, never equalled», his
repertoire consists of Irish traditional songs, dexterous Balkan dances and a
compelling canon of his own self-penned songs.
Andy Irvine first made his mark with the seminal band – «Sweeney’s Men» in the mid 1960s but after two years he left and travelled ‹way out yonder› by ‹the sunburnt thumb› to Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia, earning his living as a street musician and absorbing the musical traditions of the Balkans.
Returning to Ireland in 1970, Andy united with Christy Moore, Dónal Lunny and Liam O’Flynn to form Planxty, fanning the flames of Irish traditional music well into the next and future generations.
Planxty broke up – for the first time – in late 1975 and Andy performed and recorded with Paul Brady, making the classic album «Andy Irvine & Paul Brady» in 1976. He also worked and recorded brieefly with De Dannan before re-uniting with Planxty in 1979 until it’s second break up in 1983.
Andy’s first solo album «Rainy Sundays…Windy Dreams« followed as well as »Parallel Lines» a duo album with the great Scottish troubadour – Dick Gaughan.
In 1985 Andy formed «Mozaic«, a pan-European band that included Dónal Lunny and Hungarian singer Marta Sebestyen. The band lasted for one blissful summer and Andy returned to solo work.
Andy was touring the US regularly with guitar player Gerry O’Beirne at this time and in 1986, at the instigation of
fiddler Kevin Burke (Bothy
Band), Patrick Street was born with the addition of Jackie Daly (De Dannan) and guitar maestro, Arty
Patrick Street has since recorded eight studio albums and one live with differing personnel. They are still in action and released a new album in November 2007, «On the Fly» which marks a transition, being the first with fiddle, banjo player, John Carty and the last with retiring member, Jackie Daly.
Andy recorded his second solo album «Rude Awakening« in 1991 and then created the hugely influential »East Wind» which featured Davy Spillane on uillean pipes and was produced by Bill Whelan who went on to write «Riverdance«.
Andy recorded his third solo album »Rain on the Roof« in 1995 – this one really is (nearly) solo. It includes his anthemic song »Never Tire of the Road« and then his fourth, »Way Out Yonder« in 2000 which closes with the haunting song »The Highwayman«.
In 2002, Andy drafted some long-time musical friends and formed his »dream
band» – initially for a one off tour of Australia. Calling themselves Mozaik, reminiscent of the earlier cross-genre group, Andy
was joined by Dónal Lunny,
Dutch multi-instrumentalist Rens van der Zalm,
American Old Time fiddler and 5 string banjo player, Bruce Molsky and Hungarian multi-instrumentalist Nikola Parov.
They have since released two albums, «Live from the
Powerhouse« (2003) and »Changing
Trains«(2007) and have toured
Australia, Europe, USA and Japan with great musical success.
2004 saw, after a break of 21 years, the return of the great group Planxty. The band played a small gig in Lisdoonvarna, largely to family and close friends – it was not advertised as Planxty – and then opened at Glór in Ennis to a fantastic reception.
Planxty went on to play 10 sold out nights in Vicar Street in Dublin and record a live CD and DVD.
The following year 2005, they played 6 sold out gigs at The Point Depot in Dublin, as well as shows in Galway, Belfast and The Barbican in London. It was generally reckoned that the band was better than ever and those who experienced it will never forget it.
In January 2008, Celtic Connections Festival in Glasgow featured a special reunion of Andy Irvine & Paul Brady at the Royal Concert Hall for their «Classic Album Showcase» concert, honouring the duo’s album first released in 1976.
September 2009 saw Andy collaborating with the fine guitarist and singer, John Doyle for three highly successful concerts at the Irish Arts Center in New York City. They hope to play concerts in the future if touring schedules permit.
Ever the man for new pastures, in the last decade, Andy has played concerts in
Moscow, Mexico City, Newfoundland, Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua as well as
undertaking extensive tours of Japan, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Argentina and
Although an integral part of the finest Irish bands of our time, Andy Irvine continues along the path he set for himself so long ago – a vibrant career as a solo artist in the old style, a teller of tales and maker of music.
db / dl
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyP407UnUWw&feature=related (Planxty – Live at the National Stadium, Dublin 1973)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRg6X1sHBt4&feature=related (Andy’s tribute to Woody Guthrie, 2007)
Online reviews, articles, interviews:
Folkworld article: Andy Irvine at 60
with Fiona Ritche
Article: Heart Afire,
Chico News and Review
Review: Mozaik live in New York
Review: Whelan’s
show (Dublin) 1999
Review (in German): FolkWorld
«Irish Night» einmal anders: Andy Irvine in Kiel
featured on cover of February 2004 issue of Irish Music Mag
of Mozaik concert, The Press
York, 9/27/07
Sound files:
From Way
Out Yonder (AK-2)
Gladiators: http://www.andyirvine.com/mp3/gladiators.mp3
Moreton Bay: http://www.andyirvine.com/mp3/moreton.mp3
They’ll Never Believe It’s True: http://www.andyirvine.com/mp3/never-believe-x.mp3
From Rain
on the Roof (AK-1)
Prince Among Men: http://www.andyirvine.com/mp3/prince-among-men-high-x.mp3
Over the Mountain: http://www.andyirvine.com/mp3/over-mountain-high-x.mp3

Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger