24. Dezember 2016
Der am 12. Oktober 1948 in Woking (Surrey, Grossbritannien) geborene britische Sänger, Gitarrist und Komponist Rick Parfitt (Bild) ist am 24. Dezember 2016 in Marbella (Spanien) gestorben. Parfitt war Gründungsmitglied und immer noch aktiver Teil der Rockgruppe Status Quo.

Bild: Rick Parfitt in Brunnsparken, Örebro, Sweden, 2007 – Foto: Håkan Henriksson (Narking) – CC-Lizenz: Attribution 3.0 Unported – Zur Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rick-parfitt-2007-07-18-orebro.jpg
Statement from The Parfitt Family & Status Quo Manager, Simon Porter
We are truly devastated to have to announce that Status Quo guitarist Rick Parfitt has passed away at lunchtime today.
He died in hospital in Marbella, Spain as a result of a severe infection, having been admitted to hospital on Thursday evening following complications to a shoulder injury incurred by a previous fall.
This tragic news comes at a time when Rick was hugely looking forward to launching a solo career with an album and autobiography planned for 2017 following his departure from Status Quo’s touring activities on medical advice.
With his flowing blonde locks, denim gear and Fender Telecaster, Rick Parfitt was one of rock’s most recognisable guitarists.
His partnership with Francis Rossi became the core of Status Quo, one of Britain’s most enduring bands.
Their brand of boogie-woogie rock survived changes in musical fashion and made them one of the best-loved live acts of their generation.
Goodbye Rick Parfitt, you were one of rock’s heroes
People mocked Status Quo, but they were wrong – this was one of the most powerful British rock bands of all, and at their heart was Rick Parfitt’s crushing rhythm guitar
Michael Hann
An inveterate «lad» who for three decades continually abused his body in the name of rock ’n› roll, Parfitt was never one to take himself too seriously. Defiantly unfashionable – both musically and sartorially – he nevertheless made the most of his rock star status.
Queen guitarist Brian May tweeted Saturday, «Shocked and so sad to hear of the passing of Rick Parfitt. Hard to find words. You truly joyfully rocked our world. RIP dear buddy.»
The band’s website said Parfitt was known as «The Womorr,» which stands for «the wild old man of rock and roll» but added that had changed to «mild» over the years.
The band played one of the biggest concerts in history when they opened the Live Aid show in London in 1985, ripping into a version of Rockin› All Over the World that left the crowd delirious.
When Status Quo had embarked on what they hinted would be their final tour, Parfitt offered an explanation for the longevity of veteran rock bands.
«Why do you think all these bands like the Stones and Deep Purple stay on the road? We’re having fun and I love being up there on stage. Once the lights go down and the crowds roar, something magical happens. All your aches and pains go.»
Rick Parfitt galt als einer der besten und härtesten Rhythmusgitarristen Englands. Sein harter Stil wird als «Kern» des Sounds von Status Quo betrachtet. Zudem spielte er die Sologitarre in einigen Songs und sang die Leadstimme. Bei einzelnen Stücken spielte er auch Keyboard.
Weltruhm mit drei Akkorden
Sein exzessiver Lebensstil hatte späte Folgen: 1997 überstand er den ersten Herzinfarkt, gefolgt von Kehlkopfkrebs und zwei weiteren Herzinfarkten. Den vierten hatte er im Juni 2016 nach einem Konzert in der Türkei – für Minuten sei Parfitt «praktisch tot» gewesen, sagte der Bandmanager.
Im Oktober 2016 gab Parfitt schliesslich bekannt, dass er mit Status Quo nicht mehr auftreten werde. «Ich bin kein grosser Fan von dem ganzen akustischen Quatsch», sagte er damals der Musikzeitschrift «Classic Rock». Denn die Band will in Zukunft von den anstrengenden E-Gitarren auf akustische Sets umsteigen – aus Altersgründen.
«Der wilde alte Mann des Rock’n’Roll»
Parfitt wird auf der Band-Website als «The Womorr», kurz für «The Wild Old Man Of Rock and Roll», der wilde alte Mann des Rock’n’Roll, bezeichnet. Er habe mit ‹«Whatever You Want», «Backwater» «Living on an Island»› und «Rain» einige der bekanntesten Songs der Band geschrieben.
status quo – pictures of matchstick men – enhanced sound
Status Quo – Whatever you want (HD 16:9)
Status Quo – Rain
Status Quo – Again and Again
Down Down – Status Quo
Status Quo «In The Army Now (2010)» (official video)
Status Quo – Rockin› All Over The World (Live At Knebworth)
Burning Bridges – Status Quo
Status Quo – 4500 Times
Live from the Milton Keynes Bowl, the ‹End Of The Road› tour in 1984
Status Quo – Don’t Stop. Tour 1996
Status Quo Live At Wembley Arena 2013

Rick Parfitt (links) mit Francis Rossi, 2013 – Foto: Richard Goldschmidt www.piqtured.com – Public domain – Zur Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rick_Parfitt_and_Francis_Rossi,_Bula_Quo,_London,_2013_(crop).jpg
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger