2. November 2009
Social Networks: a key component in European Lobbying
A one day programme on how to deal with existing and upcoming social network tools.

Seminar dates: 25/11/2009 | 25/02/2010 | 19/05/2010
The European Training Institute (ETI), upon request of a growing number of clients, is proud to propose a new programme on social networks and their potential use for private entities, public authorities and the civil society.
In partnership with Impact Brussels, a leading company in EU Public affairs and Communication, the training will be delivered by Hans Henrik H. Heming, CEO of BrightHQ, one of the rare companies today able to translate the phenomenon of social networks into business opportunities and tools for influence.
This training is addressed to any person engaged into European Public Affairs and Communication in Corporate, NGO’s, Associations and Institutions.
Where? ETI premises | 57 Rue Froissart | B-1040 (Brussels)
Price per participant: eur 750 (+21% Belgian VAT)
Donwload pdf programme:
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Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger