27. Oktober 2021
Der am 11. Mai 1927 in Montreal (Kanada) geborene kanadisch-US-amerikanische Stand-up-Comedian und politische Satiriker Mort Sahl (Bild) ist am 26. Oktober 2021 in Mill Valley (Kalifornien, USA) gestorben. Er war bis in die 1960er-Jahre äusserst erfolgreich und prägte die ganze nordamerikanische komische und kabarettistische Szene. Seine Auftritte beendete er gerne mit der legendären Frage: «Gibt es irgendeine Gruppe, die ich noch nicht beleidigt habe?»
Foto: Brianmcmillen, 1985 (Ausschnitt) – Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mort_Sahl_1985.jpg
Mort Sahl, dean of political comedians, dies at 94
During an era when many comedians dressed in tuxedos and told mother-in-law jokes, Sahl faced his audiences in the ’50s and ’60s wearing slacks, a sweater and an unbuttoned collar and carrying a rolled-up newspaper on which he had pasted notes for his act. Reading news items as if seated across from you at the kitchen table, he made his inevitably cutting comments, often joining the laughter with a horsey bellow of his own and ending his routines by inquiring: «Is there any group I haven’t offended yet?»AP
Mort Sahl, a political satirist and stand-up comedy pioneer, has died at 94
Long before Jon Stewart or Bill Maher, there was Mort Sahl. In the 1950s, while most comedians were telling jokes about in-laws, Sahl was ribbing politicians. His stream-of-consciousness style was influenced by jazz, and his topical humor influenced generations of stand-up comedians.
Elizabeth Blair
Mort Sahl, whose political comedy set the bar for future humorists, dies at 94
Mort Sahl, the comic whose caustic and fearlessly observant routines about Cold War politics in the button-down 1950s transformed American comedy and paved the way for generations of acid-witted humorists, not least Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, died Oct. 26 at his home in Mill Valley, Calif.
John Otis
Mort Sahl, Whose Biting Commentary Redefined Stand-Up, Dies at 94
A self-appointed warrior against hypocrisy, he revolutionized comedy in the 1950s by addressing political and social issues.
Bruce Weber
Mort Sahl, Standup Comic With Biting Wit, Dies at 94
«The three great geniuses of the period were Nichols and May, Jonathan Winters and Mort Sahl,» Woody Allen told New York magazine in 2008. Allen credited Sahl’s intellectual brand of humor for getting him into comedy. «He was the best thing I ever saw,» Allen said in another interview. «He totally restructured comedy. He changed the rhythm of the jokes.»
Rick Schultz
He was widely considered the father of modern political satire
‹Funniest of them all›: tributes paid to Mort Sahl after death aged 94
Canadian-born comedian who rose to fame in the 1950s credited with ‹yanking comedy into the modern age›
Er war stolz darauf, jeden US-Präsidenten verspottet zu haben
Sahl war zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges mit seinen Kommentaren zu Politikern und aktuellen Ereignissen zu einem Liebling einer neuen, unruhigen Generation von Amerikanerinnen und Amerikanern geworden. In seinem zwanglosen Outfit las er Nachrichten aus der Zeitung vor, als säße er einem am Küchentisch gegenüber. (…) Sahl war stolz darauf, jeden Präsidenten von Dwight D. Eisenhower bis Donald Trump verspottet zu haben; privat bewunderte er den Demokraten John F. Kennedy und zählte den Republikaner Ronald Reagan, über den er sich später besonders gern lustig machte, zu seinen engsten Freunden.
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Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger