11. April 2014
Die britische Schriftstellerin Sue Townsend ist gestorben
Die am 2. April 1946 in Leicester geborene britische Schriftstellerin Sue Townsend (Bild) ist am 10. April 2014 ebenda gestorben.

Foto: http://www.penguin.co.uk/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,1000049987,00.html
Die fiktiven Tagebücher eines Teenagers in den Thatcher-Jahren machten sie berühmt: Mit den Romanen über Adrian Mole feierte Sue Townsend weit über ihre Heimat Großbritannien hinaus große Erfolge.
Townsend gilt in Großbritannien auch als eine der profiliertesten Kritikerinnen der Monarchie. 1992 veröffentlichte sie ihr Buch «The Queen And I». Im Jahr 2012, anlässlich des Diamantenen Thronjubiläums von Queen Elizabeth II., schrieb sie in einem Kommentar für den «Guardian» über die Königin: «Wir brauchen sie nicht mehr.»
dpa / http://www.zeit.de/news/2014-04/11/literatur-adrian-mole-autorin-sue-townsend-gestorben-11153802
Susan Lillian Townsend was born in Leicester in 1946, the city where she set her most famous work, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, aged 13 3/4.
The story of the pimply, pretentious teenager who painted his room black and obsessed about a girl called Pandora sold two million copies when it was released at the end of 1982.
Adored by fellow teenagers and adults alike, the book was followed by The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole in 1984 – making Townsend the best-selling novelist of the 1980s.
Townsend’s last novel, The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year (2012), was her darkest. It is about a middle-aged librarian who, when her children leave for university, climbs between the sheets, and stays there. She has her bedroom painted luminously white (in contrast to Adrian’s all-black teenage bolt hole) and decides to shed all her possessions. It is a fresh start – of sorts. And as Townsend had done in the Mole books, she made an invisible character visible.
Adrian Mole author Sue Townsend reported dead at 68
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger