17. Juni 2023
Roger Searl Payne, der am 29. Januar 1935 in New York City geborene US-amerikanische Zoologe, Bioakustiker, Autor, Walforscher und Aktivist für die Erhaltung der Wale, ist am 10. Juni 2023 in South Woodstock (Vermont) gestorben. Weltbekannt wurde er durch seine Filme und Bücher und insbesondere durch seine 1970 herausgegebene Schallplatte «Songs of the Humpback Whale» (Bild) mit eindrücklichen, nie zuvor gehörten Walgesängen - das Album gilt bis heute als die weltweit bestverkaufte LP aller Zeiten mit Aufnahmen aus der Natur.
Bild: Cover of Roger Payne’s «Songs of the Humpback Whale», CRM Records 1970 – Datei: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Roger_Payne_-_Whale.jpg
I Spent My Life Saving the Whales. Now They Might Save Us.
Roger Payne, 2023
Roger Payne (1935 – 2023)
It was with great sadness that we learned of the recent passing of our founder, Roger Payne. Over the course of more than six decades, Roger inspired students, scientists and citizens around the world with his work on the vocalizations of whales, showing us the depth and sophistication of their emotional lives. In doing so, Roger helped jump-start the modern environmental movement. By making people care about whales, he made them care about the planet. Roger was a generous, charismatic figure, willing to share his wonder and enthusiasm for the natural world. How very fortunate we were to have him as our founder and President — and we will continue to do our best to honor his legacy.
Whales always had voices. Roger Payne helped the world hear them.
Whales could always speak for themselves. Humans just didn’t hear them.
Roger Payne changed that with a simple, empathetic act: He listened. And then we all did. In 1970, Payne (1935-2023) made sure the world finally paid attention to the «Songs of the Humpback Whale.» Payne’s landmark 35-minute album of recorded whale song in the wild deepened humanity’s connection with the natural world, catalyzed the global movement to stop commercial whaling, and had a lasting impact on the growing ecology movement, including Greenpeace.
Chris Greenberg
Roger Payne, Biologist Who Heard Whales Singing, Dies at 88
His underwater microphones recorded «Songs of the Humpback Whale,» inspiring a movement that led to national and international bans on commercial whaling.
Sam Roberts
Roger Payne, who shared whale songs with the world, dies at 88
Roger Payne, a biologist who put his ear to the ocean and pioneered the study of whale songs, recording the creatures’ hypnotic, intricately patterned vocalizations — haunting wails, birdlike chirps, playful squeals and mournful moos — for a hit album that galvanized the anti-whaling movement and seemed to suggest the animals had a far richer inner life than previously imagined, died June 10 at his home in South Woodstock, Vt.
Harrison Smith
Roger Payne, conservationist and popularizer of whale song, dies aged 88
Payne is credited for helping save whales from extinction by recording their songs and galvanizing a global movement.
Muere Roger Payne, el biólogo que descubrió el canto de las ballenas, a los 88 años
Impulsó un movimiento mundial para la preservación y la protección de los mamíferos marinos
È morto Roger Payne, così il biologo marino scoprì il canto delle balene
Roger Payne, le chercheur qui a découvert le chant des baleines, est décédé
Roger Payne a découvert et étudié le chant des baleines, allant jusqu’à sortir un album de ces envoûtantes vocalisations. Son travail aura permis de sensibiliser le public sur le sort de ces cétacés, longtemps chassés.
Anne-Sophie Tassart
Walgesang-Forscher Roger Payne ist tot
Hohes Rufen, tiefes Brummen, langgezogene Töne: Buckelwale sind bis zu 15 Meter lang, 40 Tonnen schwer und erzeugen wundersame Töne, die unter Wasser in den Meeren weithin zu hören sind. Dem Biologen Roger Payne verdanken wir die Erkenntnis, dass diese Geräusche ähnlich strukturiert sind wie Musik. Er brachte die Walgesänge als Album heraus und landete damit einen überraschenden kommerziellen Erfolg.
Audios / Videos:
Songs Of The Humpback Whale – by Dr. Roger Payne
Roger Payne interview with Charlie Rose (1992 Discovery Channel VHS rip)
Roger Payne | Historical Perspectives Interview Excerpt | Aquatic Mammals, 2008
Attend the Whale Song: Roger Payne at TEDxBeaconStreet, 2013
Roger Payne – Creativity Is The Only Way To Save Humanity | Lightning Bugs w/ Ben Folds, 2022
#RogerPayne #SongsoftheHumpbackWhales #CHcultura @CHculturaCH ∆cultura cultura+
Bild: Roger Payne – Foto: © https://whale.org/
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger