27. Mai 2009
eSciDoc Days 2009
FIZ Karlsruhe and Max Planck Digital Library invite to register for the eSciDoc Days 2009 to be held on Monday, June 15, and Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany.

The eSciDoc Days 2009 are targeted at both existing eSciDoc users and people interested in digital libraries, repository systems, e-Research infrastructures, and scholarly knowledge management.
The eSciDoc Days will provide extensive information about eSciDoc, the open source e-Research environment. Keynote speakers will overview the current e-Research developments at an international level: Tobias Blanke, King’s College, London is giving his speech on «Virtual Environments – How can infrastructure matter to research?» and David Groenewegen, Monash University, Australia will overview the national infrastructure Australian National Data Service (ANDS).
At the 1st Day presentations held by eSciDoc team members and by eSciDoc users will demonstrate existing eSciDoc solutions and the underlying eSciDoc infrastructure.
At the 2nd Day we offer three parallel tracks. The track «eSciDoc Scenarios» will focus on real-world use cases and eSciDoc-related projects. There are two tracks with hands-on tutorials for developers who are interested in creating their own solutions based on the eSciDoc infrastructure or intend to re-purpose the existing eSciDoc solutions.
The programme and registration form as well as information about venue and
accommodation is available at the website
Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger