9. November 2024
Der am 4. Dezember 1954 in Washington D.C. geborene US-amerikanische Schauspieler Tony Todd (Bild) ist am 6. November 2024 in Marina del Rey (Kalifornien) gestorben. Er war vor allem bekannt als Darsteller des «Candyman», den er in vier Filmen verkörperte. Todd spielte mehr als 200 Film- und Fernsehrollen, unter anderem in Oliver Stones Oscar-gekröntem Kriegsdrama «Platoon» oder in den Fernsehserien «Star Trek» und «MacGyver». Abseits der Filmsets und Bühnen gab Todd Schauspielseminare für unterprivilegierte Kinder und arbeitete mit Jugendgangs.
Bild: Tony Todd, 2017 – Foto: Florida Supercon, https://www.flickr.com/photos/floridasupercon/35972439446/ – Lizenz: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en – Datei: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tony_Todd_July_2017.jpg
Tony Todd, «Candyman» and «Final Destination» Actor, Dies at 69
«The industry has lost a legend. We have lost a cherished friend,» New Line Cinema wrote in a tribute.
«Tony was a masterful actor who was truly chameleonic; he prepared for every role with the utmost meticulousness,» Rel Dowdell, the director of Film Studies at Hampton University who directed him in 2012’s Changing the Game, said in a statement. «He was truly one of a kind.»
Carly Thomas
Tony Todd, Prolific Actor Best Known for «Candyman,» Dies at 69
Mr. Todd’s decades-long acting career spanned genres and mediums. He starred or had prominent roles in several films, including the 1990 remake of “Night of the Living Dead,” “The Crow,” “The Rock” and Oliver Stone’s Oscar-winning Vietnam War movie, “Platoon.” His television credits include “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” “24,” “The X-Files,” and many other shows. He also lent his rich voice to animation and video games.
He was perhaps best known for his role as the titular demon in the 1992 movie “Candyman,” He told The New York Times in 2020 that he was proud of playing the terrifying figure with a hook for a hand, a Black man who had been wronged in life and is summoned from the beyond by people who call his name five times while looking in a mirror — unleashing vicious attacks in which the Candyman slices to death those who dared to disturb him. “If I had never done another horror film,” he said, “I could live with that, and I’d carry this character.”
Aimee Ortiz
«A Giant in Cinema»
Todd died Wednesday at his home in the Los Angeles area, manager Jeffrey Goldberg said in a statement to the Associated Press. «I had the privilege to have Tony as my friend and client for over 30 years and I will miss that amazing man every single day,» Goldberg said.
«Known worldwide for his towering presence, both physically and artistically, Tony leaves behind an indelible legacy in film, theater, and the hearts of those who had the honor of knowing him,» Goldberg’s management company said in announcing the death. «We bid farewell to Tony Todd, a giant of cinema and a beloved soul whose impact on our lives and the world of film will never be forgotten.»
Jeff Martin
The actor used his fame for social work, in gang outreach and putting on acting seminars for underprivileged kids. Of Candyman, he said: “I’ve done 200 movies, this is the one that stays in people’s minds. It affects people of all races. I’ve used it as an introductory tool in gang-intervention work: what frightens you? What horrible things have you experienced?”
Sian Cain
Muere Tony Todd, voz del terror de ‘Candyman’ y ‘Destino final’, a los 69 años
La profunda voz y la gran altura de este prolífico actor le hizo una presencia recurrente en el cine y la televisión, de ‘La roca’ a ‘Bird’ o las series de ‘Star Trek’.
Tony Todd, morto l’attore star degli horror «Candyman» e «Final Destination»
Nella sua lunga carriera, iniziata poco più che ventenne, era apparso in 245 tra film e telefilm.
Candyman nous a quittés: l’acteur américain Tony Todd est mort
Avec bien plus de 200 crédits à son actif, Tony Todd n’a jamais cessé de travailler, prêtant souvent son talent et sa réputation à des thrillers sortis directement en vidéo au cours des dernières années. Il a ainsi enchaîné les films et séries et prêté sa voix à de nombreux projets dont récemment, au personnage de Venom dans le succès PlayStation, Spider-Man 2.
Aude Mackau
Durchbruch mit Oliver Stones Vietnamkriegsdrama «Platoon»
Der Filmstar kam im Dezember 1954 in Washington, D.C., zur Welt und studierte Schauspiel am Eugene O’Neill National Actors Theatre Institute. Sein Durchbruch gelang ihm 1986 mit der Rolle des Sergeant Warren in Oliver Stones Vietnamkriegsdrama «Platoon», das mit dem Oscar für den besten Film ausgezeichnet wurde.
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Kommentare von Daniel Leutenegger